RPSC Assistant Agriculture Officer Syllabus 2021
Detail Information about RPSC has published notification 2021 for the recruitment of AAO vacancies. Those Candidates who are Interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online. In this page we provide the Complete Syllabus of this Recruitment with Latest Update Exam Pattern and the Exam Date also.
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Details of RPSC AAO Syllabus 2021
Organization Name – Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC)
Post Name – Assistant Agriculture Officer Posts
Category – RPSC Syllabus
Job Category – Rajasthan Govt Jobs
Work Location – Rajasthan
Date of Exam – Updated Soon
Selection Process – Written Exam and Interview
Official Website – www.rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in
RPSC Assistant Agriculture Officer Syllabus Highlights 2021 – Paper I
General Hindi
1. Hindi Grammar
2. Antonym Synonym
3. Difference between word pairs
4. Sentence Correction
5. One Word Substitution Idioms & Phrases.
General Knowledge
1. Geography
2. History
3. Cultures
4. Eminent personalities of Rajasthan
5. Contribution of Rajasthan in Indian Freedom Movement
6. Agriculture
7. Languages
8. Festivals
9. Tribes
10. Art
11. Religious & historical places of Rajasthan.
RPSC AAO Syllabus 2021 – Paper II
1. Agro-climatic zones of Rajasthan
2. Role of farm forestry
3. Soil classification
4. Olericulture
5. Pomology
6. Essential plant nutrients
7. Importance of livestock and poultry in the Indian economy
8. Preservation of forages
9. Limnology
10. Philosophy and principles of extension education rural social institutions
Detailed Syllabus RPSC AAO – 2021
RPSC AAO Paper 1 Syllabus
General Hindi :
Questions will be ask from Hindi Grammar, Antonym Synonym, Difference between word pairs, Sentence Correction, One Word Substitution, Idioms & Phrases.
General Knowledge :
History & Culture Of Rajasthan : Questions are designed to check candidate’s knowledge about Geography, History, cultures, eminent personalities of Rajasthan, Contribution of Rajasthan in Indian Freedom Movement, Agriculture, Languages, Festivals, Tribes, Art, Religious & historical places of Rajasthan.
RPSC AAO Paper 2 Syllabus
Agriculture :-
Agro-climatic zones of Rajasthan, Elements of crop production and effect on plant growth. Importance of weather forecasting, aerospace and remote sensing. Precision farming. Plant nutrients – functions and deficiency symptoms, soil reaction and bio-fertilizer, interaction, sources. Role of Organic manures, fertilizers and bio-fertilizers, integrated nutrient management.
Role of farm forestry in soil and water conservation –
silviculture, compatibility of crops, problems of seed germination etc. Appraisal of economics of farm forestry. Common herbicides and their uses in important grain crops, oils seeds, pulses and fiber crops, forage and grass land and consequences of their use.
Soil classification and soil survey –
soils of Rajasthan, soil physics-physical properties, moisture, air temperature. Physical chemistry of soil-colloids, soil reactions. Soil microbiology- organic matter, Humus function, structure, formation, C/N ratio, symbiotic and non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation.
Olericulture –
Classification of vegetables, nursery, transplantation, seed testing and storage, cultivation practice of cauliflower, cabbage, chillies, brinjal, carrot, radish, onion, pea, okra, muskmelon, watermelon and sweet potato. Different styles of gardening-indoor out door etc. layout care and maintenance, cultivation of major cut flowers like Rose, Gladialus, Tubrose and Chrysanthemum.
layout of orchards, propagation methods, cultivation of mango, citrus, banana, guava, pomegranate, grapes, papaya, ber, phalsa, aonla, datepalm, Post harvest losses and Principles of fruits and vegetable preservation, dehydration, bottling, canning. Insect pests spectrum in Rajasthan. Assessment of crop losses and their implication in pest management.
Essential plant nutrients and their role –
major and micronutrients. Methods of Plant Breeding for self and cross pollinated crops, concept of heterosis, type of hybrids, Combining ability, DNA recombinant technology, transgenic crops and their scope, seed testing, type of seeds, seed certification standards for different crops.
Importance of livestock and poultry in Indian economy:
Origin, distribution and main characteristics of INDIAN and EXOTIC Breeds of cow, buffalo, goat, sheep and poultry. Prevention & control of common infectious & contagious diseases of livestock and poultry. Feed stuff and their classification. Determination of nutritive value of feed, balanced ration
Preservation of forages –
common grasses, grass land and their management. Artificial insemination – merits, demerits, collection evaluation, dilution, preservation and storage of semen., Systems of inbreeding and out breeding, breeding value and its estimation. Heritability, repeatability.
Limnology –
water science, physic chemical and biological properties of water, late-ecosystem, water pollution and various types of water bodies. Fish morphology and anatomy, osmoregulation, respiration in fish. Different types of aquaculture systems and fisheries.
Philosophy and principles of extension education –
rural social institutions, caste and family, rural leadership, teaching learning process, audio-visual aids, teaching methods, Programme planning and evaluation communication process, media of communication Diffusion theory history of extension Programme in India. CD, NATP, ATIC, HYVP, NAIP, MREGA, IRDP, PRA, PMRY, SGSY, JRY, ATMA, KVK, Panchayati Raj, IVLP, T&V system, ADP, motivation, cooperative societies and voluntary organizations, Adult education and National Literacy Mission.
RPSC Assistant Agriculture Officer Exam Pattern 2021
Paper Subject Duration Total Question Marks
Paper – 1 General Hindi &
General Knowledge 60 180 60 Mint
Paper – 2 Agriculture Subject 60 180 60 Mint
Negative Mark – – – 0.25(1/4th)